Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Facebook Photos

Dear Ms. Marinos,
There were some really awesome shot from the giants rally in the folder you showed me. I loved the emotion you captured within the photos, the San Francisco spirit was in the air and you got it. Another thing that caught my eye was the use of color to show just how the big event went down. I think my favorite picture is the one where the man is leaning in between the two signal posts. You could see the color of the lights, the anticipation of the parade to start and, in general, the lighting of the photo put a new perspective on the picture. Great Job!

-Anastasia Campos

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your letter. I really liked that picture of the man on the stop light too. i really like how much positive feedback you gave me. Thanks again and see you soon! like tomorrow!

    Samantha Marinos
