Sunday, November 28, 2010


-This film was very interesting. Personally, the thing that captures my attention and keeps it is the emotion of a scene, whether that scene has living creatures or not, and this film definitely showed the emotion of every scene. The parts with human in them were especially interesting though. We take for granted how amazing people are in everyday-normal life but this movie showed the very essence of why people watching is so amazing. The different people, clothes, expressions, mannerisms, and energies of each individual was brought out so that you felt like you knew each of them just a little bit.
-The rest of the film, however long and tedious it could get, was interesting too. Some of the places that were shot were so wonderfully unexplored and spectacular that I couldn't have even imagined a place like it. The man who shot the film had such an eye for color and attractiveness, but what I saw was the specific character  for each place. Just seeing a few seconds of something shot in this style, I could almost think of the story behind everyplace. It was magnificent.

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