Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Meal

Start with the Pumpkin Pie

Gotta have it

The Must-Have for Thanksgiving


To soak it all up

Sunday, November 28, 2010


-This film was very interesting. Personally, the thing that captures my attention and keeps it is the emotion of a scene, whether that scene has living creatures or not, and this film definitely showed the emotion of every scene. The parts with human in them were especially interesting though. We take for granted how amazing people are in everyday-normal life but this movie showed the very essence of why people watching is so amazing. The different people, clothes, expressions, mannerisms, and energies of each individual was brought out so that you felt like you knew each of them just a little bit.
-The rest of the film, however long and tedious it could get, was interesting too. Some of the places that were shot were so wonderfully unexplored and spectacular that I couldn't have even imagined a place like it. The man who shot the film had such an eye for color and attractiveness, but what I saw was the specific character  for each place. Just seeing a few seconds of something shot in this style, I could almost think of the story behind everyplace. It was magnificent.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Facebook Photos

Dear Ms. Marinos,
There were some really awesome shot from the giants rally in the folder you showed me. I loved the emotion you captured within the photos, the San Francisco spirit was in the air and you got it. Another thing that caught my eye was the use of color to show just how the big event went down. I think my favorite picture is the one where the man is leaning in between the two signal posts. You could see the color of the lights, the anticipation of the parade to start and, in general, the lighting of the photo put a new perspective on the picture. Great Job!

-Anastasia Campos


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Mercy railing at early morning

Sports Photography- Golf

Not necesarily an action shot but most definetly one of my favorite shots
Again not an action shot but shows the process
After math of the swing
Once again the after math of the swing

Thursday, November 4, 2010

American Photography 1900-1934

-first publically accesable camera
- only $1
Postcards with photos became huge
- Kodak would print picture on cards no extra charge
Halftone in newspapers
-replaced drawing in magazines and newspapers
-could see real-life things going on in the world
Edward Curtis
-released a 20 volume set of pictures of Native Americans
-very exagerated
-not the natural life
-photos very never really considered art
-photographers began manipulating their potos to look like art
-scratching the negatives
-vasolene on lens
-chemicals on photo to look like painting
-attached lights to finger and would show patter of movements
-improved efficency
Lewis Hine
-was teacher
-then worked for the child labor committee  to help stop child labor
Paul Strand
-1915 started straight photography
-sharp and focused
-photos used to rally, in propaganda
-no dead American soldiers in photos
-anti war campaigns eventually showed gruesome death
Illustrated daily news
-tabloid with lots of attention grabbing pics