Thursday, April 28, 2011

Final PSAs and the Radio Ad Copy

Although we were only supposed to do three I loved four of the photos I took and decided to do all four of them. However, I am counting the first three as my graded ones.

Ad Copy

Did you know that over half of all students report hearing homophobic remarks often at school? Or that 9 of 10 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students report being harassed at school? How about that a third of the same students have been physically assaulted at school because of their sexual orientation or self-expression? Did you know it all starts with a few words? Creating a safe environment for all students, gay and straight alike, begins with one simple act: thinking before you speak. A lot of anti-LGBT language is said carelessly, and isn’t intended as negative or hurtful. Understand what you’re saying, and think about the potential consequences of the words you choose. Thank You.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Chapter 9 Notes

Landmarks in Landscape Photography
-lanscape paintings were already popular when photography was invented
-Carleton E Watkins pictured the West including Yosemite Park
--had 16 x 20 inch photos that were the some of the first to be considered art
-Ansel Adams pictured Yosemite

Photographing the Landscape
-composition is the most important part of landscape photography
-viewpoint is the most important part of composition
-value is important in black and white photos (can set mood)
-need to achieve balance between unity and variety

-best times are right after sunrise and just before sunset
-shapes and textures are emphasized by side lighting
-chose days that reduce shadows and highlights

-black and white shots are still the look of choice 
-B&W showcase value, line, shape, texture, and pattern
-sometimes color can overpower certain types of art

-wide angle lenses are preferred for really close and really far objects in the same shot
-telephoto lens let you capture things you aren't actually close to
-macro lenses are good for getting really up close and personal

-filters are a big part of landscape shots
-yellow filters bring out clouds
-ultimate black skies and white clouds use a red filter with a polarizer

Camera Support:
-tripods can help with the support needed when trying to take sharp images

Grand Landscape:
-"big view" for pictures of the great outdoors
-parks are great places to explore landscape photography
-always include a large expanse of the scene and wide- angle lenses will give the wider view that you need
-have sky in your shots, and have clouds stand out

Landscape Details and Close-Ups:
-bright sunny days usually seem best, but can be challenging
-most photographers prefer cloudy or overcast days to shoot
-parks are a good source of subject matter
-rocks, water, trees

Abstract Elements:
-images composed od lines, shapes, values, and textures
-best way is to get really close and shoot only a small part of it
-get as much depth as possible
-use macro lens

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter 8 Notes

-When you take pictures of homes, towns cities, neighborhoods, you take indirect portraits of the people who live there
-can be formal or informal
-three types of architecture shots, interior,big picture, and detail
Looking Back
-Film was very slow and took a long time to expose, but buildings stayed still so the picture would come out fine
-Charles Negre a painter in the 1840s took pictures for his paintings to sketch from but was so fascinated by the photography itself he turned all of his attention to photography
-Frederick H. Evans photographed English and French cathedrals with emotion and light
-Eugene Atget former actor and sailor shot over 10,000 photos with "old fashioned" cameras
Thinking Artistically
-Use of line can be used to lead the viewer straight through the architecture or divide the picture in segments
-Surroundings are a key aspect to sharpen or soften the image
-Pattern- the repitition of any elements of art enrich and strengthen the photo
Camera Settings
-smaller f-stop gives a greater depth of field bringing more scene into focus (f/11 to f/22)
Value and Texture
-All visual art relies on Value (how light and dark the colors are)
-Contrast- the range of values from light to darkof the colors or shades of gray in an image
-Greatest contrast is usually powerful and dramtic
-mostly darker values called a low-key print, mostly lighter values, high-key print, can be in middle too
-value can make a subject stand out
-Texture- tactile or visual quality of a surface in an image that can be empasized by dramtic lighting
-texture enhances the 3-d look to an image
-color films emphasize color and setting
-black and white photos emphasize values shapes and textures
-can be commercial and artitsic architectural photos
-comercial is normally in color, artistic is in black and white
-lighting and the coor of the lighting is very important for interior shots
-different kinds of light are used for interior shots (incandescent, household bulbs, quartz lights, modern spot;ights, and flourescent lights)
-each have a different type of light
-wide angle lenses are good for wide interior shots and big picture shot because you dont have to stand very far back
Camera Support
-to get very details photos you want to use a slow shutter speed and tripod or monopod
-a yellow or orange filter will separate the clouds from the sky in black and white photos, will also bring out fine textures
-polarizer can darken skys and eliminate relfection in nonmetallic objects
The Big View
-big view- wide angle, overall picture, whole building
-perspective distortion- the illsion of paralel lines converging
-shooting from the side creates a 3-d look and lighting accentuates textures
The Detail Shot
-pg 192

Monday, January 10, 2011

Video Notes 1/10

Illustrated Daily new first paper to sell because of picture
-80 years
-appealed to emotion and grabbed attention
Evening Graphic was the most scandalous paper
-stage photos with staffers and paste in faces later
-had a staffer sneak in a hidden camera to capture execution to boost circulation
Photographic Advertising be came a huge market
-added drama, glamour, and truth to product
-modernist photography used
-media celebrity became seen
-Babe Ruth became second most photographed in history because of sports and ads
-Hollywood media created stars
-Rudolph Valentino huge media frenzy
Extending Vision
-saw much more than what the naked eye could
-saw things that the human eye couldn't capture